Divine Soul vs Life Cleric
Sometimes, the party’s success depends on getting the most bang for your divine buck in healing prowess, but should you be reaching for a Life domain Cleric or a Divine Soul? Guest blogger Gath Memvar does the math to see which class is the champion of heals!
Heroes Rise, seventeenth entry: Podcast of Dave
Welcome, brave adventurers to the seventeenth entry into the Heroes Rise chronicle. This episode was recorded on Saturday, 24th March 2018, and made available for download on Wednesday, 28th March 2018 at heroesrisepodcast.com
Switching Characters
This article was first broadcast in Episode Seventeen on 28th March 2018. Ostron: One of my players used the sending stone, they want to change characters AGAIN. It’s something like the fourth time and I have no idea what to do here. Lennon: What are they now? Ostron: Gnome Cleric Lennon: And they’re switching to… Ostron: Goliath Barbarian Ryu: That’s…um…that’s quite a jump. Lennon: Might not be insurmountable though. He’re some pointers. Even the most carefully crafted character can eventually become more of a burden than a companion. Most players have experienced the conflict of approaching a D&D session and realizing that they’d rather not play the character whose sheet they’re looking at. Unless you have some assurance that the current campaign is wrapping up in another few sessions, this situation can be a recipe for conflict and confusion. Fortunately, we’re here to help. First of all, before…
GaryCon 2018 Report
Greetings, brave adventurers! You’ve stumbled upon one of our guest blogs! If you’ve been burning to put quill to parchment over an idea, be sure to send it in to us, sendingstone@heroesrisepodcast.com and your ideas could be featured here! Hello, this is Head Scribe Baxter, possibly better known as the “who” in “who the hell wrote this crap?!” for around half of the Short Rest segments. Last week, Len asked me to cover Gary-Con, a convention in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, celebrating the life of Gary Gygax and his role in creating D&D, not to mention the influence he’s had on the broader RPG world. Saturday, March 3rd Got the text from Len; given my amazing talent at living less than 90 minutes away from Lake Geneva, he wanted me to go cover Gary-Con for the podcast. I replied that the car was stuffed, so he can get stuffed. THE…
Heroes Rise, sixteenth entry: Dragon In A Guest
Welcome, brave adventurers to the sixteenth entry into the Heroes Rise chronicle. This episode was recorded on Saturday, 17th March 2018, and made available for download on Wednesday, 21st March 2018 at heroesrisepodcast.com
Heroes Rise, fifteenth entry: 2e or not 2e
Welcome, brave adventurers to the fifteenth entry into the Heroes Rise chronicle. This episode was recorded on Saturday, 10th March 2018, and made available for download on Wednesday, 14th March 2018 at heroesrisepodcast.com
Heroes Rise, fourteenth entry: Encountering Eladrin
Welcome, brave adventurers to the fourteenth entry into the Heroes Rise chronicle. This episode was recorded on Saturday, 3rd March 2018, and made available for download on Wednesday, 7th March 2018 at heroesrisepodcast.com