Tag Archives: numbers

This article was first broadcast in Episode Thirty-Two on 18th July 2018. Lennon: 248… 249… 250…. Ryu: Lennon, are you using a slingshot to fire gold pieces at my knife throwing target? Lennon: Yes. Sorry, I should have asked first. Ryu: No, that’s fine but…why? Lennon: Well Ostron said he was going to be doing something with action economy and I thought I could help. Ryu: …You know, I’m always kind of impressed at how amazingly wrong you are about what Ostron’s doing at any given time. Lennon: What do you mean? Ryu: No, I need his notes. Ostron? Gnomish Workshop door opens Ostron: What’s up? Ryu: Action Economy? Ostron: Right, here’s what you need. If you wander into the same sort of discussions that Ostron does on a regular basis, you may have seen or heard the term “action economy” get thrown around, and you’ve probably found at least one person that seems very interested or possibly obsessed with the…

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This article was first broadcast in Episode Twenty-Five on 23rd May 2018. Lennon: Ahh, there you are! What’re you doing down here in the basement? Ryu:  Well, I’ve been flicking through Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, and I’ve gotta be honest I’m not sure I fancy our chances going up against those… things! Demons and devils, demogorgons and drow, it’s all gotten a little more dangerous. Lennon: So you’re hiding down here with a blanket? Ryu: What? NO! I just– Ostron: Ryu?! Ryu?! Lennon: I found her, she’s down here Ostron: Ahh, there you are! What’re you doing down here in the basement? Ryu:  As I was just about to say to Lennon, I was just going through our armor and weapons and came across this old padding jerkin of my grandfather’s. He was an adventurer too, back in First Edition. Lennon: Oh it’s armor?! I thought it was a blanket! Ostron: Yeah, hard to believe that this would defend you against…

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This article was first broadcast in Episode Twenty-Four on 16th May 2018. Ryu: Lennon? Why did we just get a delivery of 500 yards of parachute cord? Lennon: Oh did that show up? Great! Yeah it’s a research project I’m doing about bounded accuracy. Ryu: Okay…I think I know where you’re going there. I mean, you’re wrong, but I see where you got the idea. Lennon: I refuse to be wrong without proof Ryu: Ostron, have you done anything with bounded accuracy? Ostron: Are you going to keep asking silly questions? If you’ve looked into anything about the development or great ideas behind 5th edition, you’ve probably heard the term “bounded accuracy” thrown about. Then you probably wondered “what does that mean? It’s easier to hit someone who’s tied up? That’s already true.” However, bounded accuracy has nothing to do with tying up characters and everything to to with the math…

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