Author Archives: Ostron

Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred ninety-third entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, December 18th, and released Wednesday, December 22nd over at

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This article was first broadcast in Episode One Hundred Ninety One on 8th December 2021. (coin flip followed by eldritch blast) Lennon: Ha! My aim is improving. They better watch out when I show up. Ryu: Lennon. Why are you eldritch blasting coins? I mean, if you want to keep me from stealing them I suppose that’s one way to do it but it seems expensive. Lennon: No, see, I’m preparing for our trip to Exandria. Ostron: Don’t- Ryu: How is that supposed to help with Exandria? Ostron (sighing): Here we go. Lennon: Well, I read up on it like Ostron told us to and I heard it was infested with critters. So I figured I can practice aiming at small moving targets and hire myself out as an exterminator to make back all the money I’m using for target practice. Ostron: …What? Don’t look at me, you asked. Ryu: So he just saw the bit about the critters and…

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Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred ninety-first entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, December 4th, and released Wednesday, December 8th over at

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This article was first broadcast in Episode One Hundred Ninety on 24th November 2021. Ryu (nervously): So…Lennon? Lennon: Yes? Ryu: You’ve done some traveling, right? Lennon: Oh don’t remind me. It’s basically a piece of living geography, how do you lose track of a hill!? Ryu: What? Lennon: Sorry, fey patron issues. Right, traveling, you need some help packing? I recommend a towel. Possibly four. Ryu (nervously): No…um…I was wondering if…you’d been to the Underdark? Lennon: Um, not recently; my patron doesn’t have much business there, for obvious reasons. Why, you hoping I ran into someone you know? Ryu: Well…not exactly… Lennon: I don’t…oh hey, Ostron! Ryu: No no! It’s noth- Lennon: You been to the Underdark recently? Ostron: Yes and no. Lennon: Can you ever just give me a straight answer to a question? Ostron: I give you straight answers all the time. Lennon: Yes, fine, I’ll rephrase; can you give me a straight answer that is still an answer I expect to be possible when I…

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Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred ninetieth entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, November 20th, and released Wednesday, November 24th over at

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Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred eighty-ninth entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, November 13th, and released Wednesday, November 17th over at

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This article was first broadcast in Episode One Hundred Eighty Nine on 17th November 2021. Lennon: Um, Ostron? Ostron: It was always that color, you’re just misremembering. Lennon: You know, someday I’m going to actually know what you’re talking about when you say things like that, and I’m not sure if that’s going to be better or worse. Ryu: Something I can help with? Lennon: I don’t know, how much do you know about planets with two suns? Ryu: Um…I’ve heard of them. Lennon: And one of the suns is inside the planet. Ryu: Okay, that’s a new one on me. Is this a Spelljammer thing? Didn’t Ostron say that kind of thing happens in Spelljammer? Ostron: Yes, but if it’s what I think then we’re talking about the wonderful, happy time before Spelljammer was even a thing and D&D players weren’t afraid of math. Let me see that map. Lennon: I want to go on record saying that is not a…

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This article was first broadcast in Episode One Hundred Eighty Eight on 10th November 2021. Lennon: Okay, so I don’t think Acererak needs gold…his house is already pretty impressive… Ryu: What are you doing? Lennon: Oh don’t bother; you can’t help me. Ostron: Well I’m still not opening a portal to the nine hells for you so you may as well see what she’s got to offer. Ryu: Standing right here guys. Lennon: Fine. I’m trying to figure out how to DM and roleplay the big bad for my campaign. They’re supposed to be super intelligent and I’m…less so. Ryu: Are you saying I’m too dumb to help? Lennon: No, but I mean if you need to DM an evil person you just put on the hat and stop worrying about it. Ryu” Well as much as I love her, KayDee sometimes is…less gentle with people than I’d prefer. I have to DM evil masterminds just as much as you do.…

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Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred eighty-eighth entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, November 6th, and released Wednesday, November 10th over at

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Welcome, brave adventurers … to the one hundred eighty-seventh entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday October 30th, and released Wednesday, November 3rd over at

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