Tag Archives: downtime activities


This article was first broadcast in Episode Fifty-Eight on 23rd January 2019. Ryu: Ugggh do we seriously only get an hour to rest? Lennon: What do you think “Short Rest” means? Ryu: I don’t know, can’t it just…be longer? I’m tired. Ostron: Actually, it can. Lennon: Okay, no, you’re not casting your wibbly-wobbly time magic again. Last time I thought we had a three hour conversation with you about the difference between 1d20 and 2d10, but when I looked at my watch less than 5 minutes had passed Ostron: Okay, first of all, that was just a regular conversation, it did only last 5 minutes. Secondly, I’m a wizard, I know my schools, and if that were to happen it would be illusion magic, not time magic; and thirdly, this method doesn’t require magic at all. It’s just an optional way of adventuring. If you look in the Dungeon Master’s guide on page 267, there’s an optional…

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