Heroes Rise two hundred and twenty fourth entry: Hadozee-do

Heroes Rise two hundred and twenty fourth entry: Hadozee-do

Welcome, brave adventurers, to Heroes Rise. This is the 224th entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday September 3rd, and released Wednesday September 7th over at heroesrisepodcast.com.

This week we’re going to wander into the Market of Minauros to see what mysterious and magical items have filtered up for sale.

Next we check out some D&D News as we discuss Wizard’s of the Coast’s latest terrible idea: Spelljammer origin lore for the Hadozee.

After that we take a Short Rest and open our Adventurer’s Journals for a class in tactical falling; before finally heading into the Scrying Pool to see what you [all] have to say.

Community Questions

  • What’s your story of when the biggest enemy your character faced was gravity? Was it a nice, gentle conclusion or a hard stop at the end?
  • Are you familiar with Advanced 5e? Have you played in the Amethyst setting before? Any stories from those experiences you’d like to share?

Heroes Rise are always on the lookout for new team members that have a passion for Dungeons and Dragons. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience to sendingstone@heroesrisepodcast.com

You can also follow us on the social media sites! Check us out on Twitter via @heroesrisednd for details of our show times and other fun stuff. You can also join us on Discord! http://discord.heroesrisepodcast.com

Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, or contact us using our handy web form.

A special thanks to Vindsvept for making the awesome music you hear throughout the show, be sure to check him out at vindsvept.bandcamp.com; and a special thanks to the designer of our banners and avatars, Lo of Lo’s Lair — you can find him on Twitter @Los_Lair and on Facebook at facebook.com/LosLair