Heroes Rise, one hundred ninety-ninth entry: Ekphrastical Enemies

Heroes Rise, one hundred ninety-ninth entry: Ekphrastical Enemies

Welcome, brave adventurers…

… to the one hundred ninety-ninth entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, February 6th, and released Wednesday, February 9th over at heroesrisepodcast.com.

Yes, our next episode is the big two-zero-zero, and we’ve got plans! On Saturday February 12th, to celebrate 200 episodes and our 4th birthday, we’re aiming to do a full day of live streamed content over on Twitch at twitch.tv/heroesrisednd.

All times are Central Standard Time

  • 9.30am – Indigo Specter takes Ryu, Branwen, RaeRae and Gath Memvar on an adventure for Ill-gotten Pains
  • 12.30pm – Lennon and Bloodlake embark on a painting masterclass and I find out if even someone with as little artistic talent as Lennon can make something look good
  • 3.30pm – Lennon, Ostron, Ryu, Tony and RaeRae play a chaotic game of D&D with 4 DMs and one player to test if it’s truly a collaborative story-telling game
  • 6.30pm – Branwen and Indigo join the three of us for some live Dissonant Whispers
  • 8.00pm – We’ll be recording Episode 200 with a few extra faces (and voices)
  • 10pm-ish (depending on when we finish the show), RaeRae, Ryu, Gath Memvar and Tomasthanes all tackle Baldur’s Gate 3, entirely in roleplay

In this week’s Adventurer’s Pack, Ostron is using made up words again. To be fair, he didn’t make them up this time.

Next we check out some D&D News as we uncover:

  • Wizards of the Coast’s new leadership
  • The D&D TV show’s new director
  • The latest trophy from WizKids
  • Wizards’ survey on Feats
  • And we take our first look at the mechanics in the Dark Souls RPG

After that we take a Short Rest and head into the Gnomish Workshop for the pierce de resistance; before finally heading over to the Scrying Pool to see what you have to say.


A Short Rest: Gnomish Workshop: Pierce de Resistance

Community Questions
Obviously go and tell Wizards, but which Feats do you think could do with an overhaul? Could Grapple use a bit of a boost, or are you happy using it to live out your UFC fantasies?
What do you think the approach to Dark Souls is going to be? Is this an attempt to meld Dark Souls into 5e gameplay, or are they going to use the 5e ruleset to recreate the feel and play of the videogame?
Do you have any opinions on the change of leadership at Wizards of the Coast and/or Hasbro? Do you have any good tinfoil hat theories around this that you want to share?
Heroes Rise are always on the lookout for new team members that have a passion for Dungeons and Dragons. Please know that all of our positions are volunteer, but we do offer a well known outlet for your work. If you have a particular skill that you believe could enhance our content, then send your contact information and experience to sendingstone@heroesrisepodcast.com
You can also follow us on the social media sites! We’re on Facebook! Head over to facebook.com/heroesrisednd and say “hi”, or check us out on Twitter via @heroesrisednd for details of our show times and other fun stuff. You can also join us on Discord! http://discord.heroesrisepodcast.com
Liked this episode? Totally hated it? Leave a comment below, or contact us using our handy web form.
A special thanks to Vindsvept for making the awesome music you hear throughout the show, be sure to check him out at vindsvept.bandcamp.com; and a special thanks to the designer of our banners and avatars, Lo of Lo’s Lair — you can find him on Twitter @Los_Lair and on Facebook at facebook.com/LosLair

1 comment

Hello again. An advanced congratulations on your impending 200th episode!

With regards to feats, Grappler definitely needs a rework, but other fighting-style based feats like Charger and Dual Wielder should definitely be spruced up as well. Feats like Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert, Great Weapon Master, and Polearm Master are so good that they’re staples in many combat-optimized builds, and other feats should be elevated to similar levels of effectiveness.

On the Pierce de Resistance segment, is it just me or did ROSTRO make an error with regards to stacking resistances of the same damage type? As per page 197 of the PHB, “multiple instances of resistance or vulnerability that affect the same damage type only count as one instance.” The example given seems to contradict the example given in the book. I apologize if I heard that wrong though, I might have failed my Perception check.

Anyway, thank you to the entire Heroes Rise team for making the show as great as it is, and I look forward to all the festivities on the 12th!

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